Interface TouringPlayer

public interface TouringPlayer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Checks whether the player is currently allowed to exit.
    Stops playback of the tour for the player.
    Gets the route point the player is currently viewing.
    Gets where the player will be teleported to when they finish the tour.
    Gets the Bukkit player instance.
    Gets the progress this player has made over the current point.
    Gets the route this player is viewing.
    Gets the progress this player has made over the whole tour.
    Checks whether the action bar message is enabled.
    Checks whether the player can exit by moving.
    Checks whether the progress bar is enabled.
    Checks whether this player is waiting for confirmation to continue.
    setActionBarEnabled(boolean actionBarEnabled)
    Sets whether the action bar is enabled.
    setCanExit(boolean canExit)
    Sets whether the player should be allowed to exit.
    setCurrentPoint(int index)
    Changes the point the player is currently viewing.
    Changes the point the player is currently viewing.
    setExitByMoving(boolean exitByMoving)
    Sets whether the player is able to exit by moving.
    setExitLocation(org.bukkit.Location exitLocation)
    Sets wherer the player will be teleported when they finish the tour.
    setProgressBarEnabled(boolean progressBarEnabled)
    Sets whether the progress bar is enabled.
    setWaitingForConfirmation(boolean waitingForConfirmation)
    Sets whether this player is waiting for confirmation to continue.
  • Method Details

    • exit

      void exit()
      Stops playback of the tour for the player. A RoutePlaybackEndEvent will be fired with RoutePlaybackEndEvent.EndReason.API.
    • getRouteProgress

      float getRouteProgress()
      Gets the progress this player has made over the whole tour.
      the progress, in the range 0.0-1.0
    • getPointProgress

      float getPointProgress()
      Gets the progress this player has made over the current point.
      the progress, in the range 0.0-1.0
    • setCurrentPoint

      void setCurrentPoint(int index)
      Changes the point the player is currently viewing. By modifying this, the player will start back at the beginning of that route point. If applicable, the point title and description will also be sent and any applicable point commands will be run.
      index - the point index
    • setCurrentPoint

      void setCurrentPoint(RoutePoint point)
      Changes the point the player is currently viewing. By modifying this, the player will start back at the beginning of that route point. If applicable, the point title and description will also be sent and any applicable point commands will be run.
      point - the point
    • getCurrentPoint

      RoutePoint getCurrentPoint()
      Gets the route point the player is currently viewing.
      the point
    • getRoute

      Route getRoute()
      Gets the route this player is viewing.
      the route
    • getPlayer

      org.bukkit.entity.Player getPlayer()
      Gets the Bukkit player instance.
      the bukkit player
    • isWaitingForConfirmation

      boolean isWaitingForConfirmation()
      Checks whether this player is waiting for confirmation to continue. If this is the case, the player will have been prompted to press their mouse, press a key, or click a button in chat, depending on the point's settings.
      true if waiting for confirmation
    • setWaitingForConfirmation

      void setWaitingForConfirmation(boolean waitingForConfirmation)
      Sets whether this player is waiting for confirmation to continue. When you set this to true, playback will be paused and the player will be prompted to perform an action, depending on the current point's settings. If setting to false instead, playback will be resumed if it was paused.
      waitingForConfirmation - whether to wait for confirmation
    • isProgressBarEnabled

      boolean isProgressBarEnabled()
      Checks whether the progress bar is enabled. The progress bar shows the player how far along the tour route they are, by using the XP bar.
      true if the progress bar is enabled
    • setProgressBarEnabled

      void setProgressBarEnabled(boolean progressBarEnabled)
      Sets whether the progress bar is enabled. The progress bar shows the player how far along the tour route they are, by using the XP bar.
      progressBarEnabled - whether the progress should be enabled
    • isActionBarEnabled

      boolean isActionBarEnabled()
      Checks whether the action bar message is enabled. This shows the player a constant action bar configured in the language config while they are viewing a tour route.
      true if the action bar is enabled
    • setActionBarEnabled

      void setActionBarEnabled(boolean actionBarEnabled)
      Sets whether the action bar is enabled. When enabled, this shows the player a constant action bar configured in the language config while they are viewing a tour route.
      actionBarEnabled - whether the action bar should be enabled
    • canExit

      boolean canExit()
      Checks whether the player is currently allowed to exit. The player can only exit the tour themselves (by pressing SHIFT) if this is enabled.
      true if the player is allowed to exit
    • setCanExit

      void setCanExit(boolean canExit)
      Sets whether the player should be allowed to exit. The player can only exit the tour themselves (by pressing SHIFT) if this is enabled.
      canExit - whether the player is allowed to exit the tour
    • isExitByMoving

      boolean isExitByMoving()
      Checks whether the player can exit by moving. If enabled, the player can exit the tour by pressing the WASD keys, in addition to being able to exit by pressing SHIFT.
      true if this is enabled
    • setExitByMoving

      void setExitByMoving(boolean exitByMoving)
      Sets whether the player is able to exit by moving. If enabled, the player can exit the tour by pressing the WASD keys, in addition to being able to exit by pressing SHIFT.
      exitByMoving - whether the player can exit by moving
    • getExitLocation

      org.bukkit.Location getExitLocation()
      Gets where the player will be teleported to when they finish the tour. By default, this is the location they entered the tour from.
      the exit location
    • setExitLocation

      void setExitLocation(org.bukkit.Location exitLocation)
      Sets wherer the player will be teleported when they finish the tour.
      exitLocation - the new exit location